Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Highland Villages

Short entry today because the boat for Gombe is waiting for me and the internet connection takes time here to catch up with my typing. Amazing day yesterday viewing the highland villages that form part of the Greater Gombe Ecosystem project. Here I thought Kigoma was rural but the furthest village we drove to (Mkigo) was a 2.5 hour drive from here over rough roads (the drivers here deserve a medal). I met with wonderful people in several villages, saw a woodlot project, village tree nursery, family planning group and a microcredit group. All had amazing stories to tell me about how the GGE project has affected their lives. My favourite was the microcredit group -- I met with the board (see photo above) who explained what a small $100 loan can mean to them -- mostly they spoke of education and how an increase in income means their children can go to secondary school. The landscape is extreme and beautiful with villages dotted throughout -- homes all constructed of red mud bricks. Everyone is moving on foot or by bicycle. All the women and even the tiniest of girls are carrying loads on their heads -- water, firewood, the laundry, the groceries. The colours are amazing and the smiles brilliant despite what is obviously an extremely difficult life.

Can't say any more -- must hop on the boat to Gombe. More after I have seen chimps (hopefully). Jane Goodall will be there and we will be visiting lakeshore villages together which will be great.

Final note -- saw zebras last night near the hotel - my first viewing in the wild!


JGI Canada Team said...

Very sunny in Toronto this morning. We beg that you are jealous...

Last minute: we saw a raccoon in front of the Medical Arts Building this morning...

mlle_ciel said...

Have a great trip and good luck. Can't wait to hear more. Your NCC friends are rooting for you!